East Street, Bedminster

BWA has submitted comments as part of the opportunity to engage with the ‘East Street vision’ commissioned by Bedminster Business Improvement District. The street in its current format has some considerable merits for people on foot and using mobility aids such as mobility scooters. However, there is room for improvement for walking. Highlights from BWA’s comments are:

Improvements for walking

  • Retain what is good: East Street has considerable merits for people on foot that should not be lost; for example you can walk from Cannon Street to Asda on Bedminster Parade without have to worry about turning vehicles.
  • Night-time: More diversity of evening activity would help to attract more footfall that would make it feel safe.
  • Street design: BWA suggests that the bollards are all removed as they reinforce the sense that there is a part of the street where pedestrians should not go and restrict movement.
  • Gateway: Create a welcoming gateway into East Street at the Cannon Street end by bringing the redundant carriageway space between Hunters and HSBC back into the public realm for seating, green infrastructure and art work.
  • Greening: BWA would welcome other ways of ‘greening’ the street, for instance hanging baskets and pocket parks.

Access by other transport modes

  • Bus access: BWA does not feel on balance that rerouting buses would be popular with pedestrians who use the bus, or East Street traders, and should therefore be retained.
  • Cycles: BWA feels that two-way cycle access up and down East Street should be retained, but we would not advocate for this to be any more formalised than it is.
  • Motor vehicles other than buses: BWA proposes that access by vehicles other than buses is more restricted. Without such changes, the feel of the street will not change, and any improvements will be for nothing.

Use this link for the full BWA comments.

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