Author name: Alan Morris

Pavement parking – when will the government change the rules?

The Department of Transport has been conducting a review of pavement parking regulations for years. They still have not yet published proposals, but at a recent Transport Select Committee meeting, a transport minister gave an interesting insight into the current thinking. The issue of pavement parking law was raised by a backbencher MP in 2015, […]

Walk Fest walkability reports available for download

BWA ran several events during the Bristol Walk Fest in May. There were several guided walks in Bristol’s neighbourhoods, exploring the good and bad walking environments in each neighbourhood. This was followed by an event that brought together the findings. The presentations from the event are available to download below, as are the walkability reports from

Joint Local Transport Plan

The West of England Combined Authority (WECA) and North Somerset Council are preparing Joint Local Transport Plan 4 (JLTP4). JLTP4 will set out a vision for travel and transport within the West of England to 2036, taking into account policies in the Joint Spatial Plan (yet to be approved) for how 105,500 new homes and

BWA events during Walk Fest

Bristol Walking Alliance events during Bristol Walk Fest explore the walkability of Bristol. How walkable is Bristol? This is the question at the centre of Bristol Walking Alliance (BWA) events for 2019’s Bristol Walk Fest, which runs throughout May. BWA, with partners Living Streets Bristol and Bristol Health Partners, will be running several guided walks

20 mph scheme review – please respond

The 20mph scheme review involves consulting local councillors and residents “to examine how well 20mph is working in each area and assess whether there is anything that can be done better”. The review runs till 31st August. Whilst there seems to be no intention by the Council to significantly alter the scheme, there are 83 20mph roads

BWA and the Bristol Walking Festival

BWA will be at the annual Bristol Walking Festival. BWA walks Do the city centre streets work well for walking? Join a small group walk to share your views and listen to others. Date: Tuesday 1st May at 10.30am, repeated on Wednesday 2nd May at 6pm. Start: meet in the Vestibule, City Hall (Park Street

Local Plan review and Urban Living consultation

Bristol Council has been consulting on proposed changes to the Local Plan policies. This is a scheduled review to reflect changes over the last 5 years. A particular theme is “Urban Living”, which is a policy that prioritises housing growth in certain city areas, with denser development, primarily on brownfield sites. Also out for consultation

Joint Spatial Plan

BWA has commented on the Joint Spatial Plan. The Joint Spatial Plan for the West of England sub-region sets out plans to 2036 for housing growth and new employment locations, and also the infrastructure that will be required to support it. The latest round of consultation ended on 10 January, ahead of an assessment by

Accessibility Action Plan consultation

BWA has commented on the Department for Transport’s Accessibility Action Plan consultation. We advocated the use of continuous or raised paving at all junctions where minor or side roads meet a main road, making pavements easier to navigate especially for those using wheeled assistance. We cautioned against the excessive use of shared pavements and paths

Which way for the Bristol & Bath Railway Path?

An urban experiment The Bristol & Bath Railway Path carries over two million journeys each year, and is one of the UK’s most popular traffic free walking and cycling routes. It was built in the early 1980s by Sustrans, with help from many local volunteers, and turned a derelict railway line into a valuable amenity

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