Author name: Suzanne Audrey

Event: We need to talk about parking!

An opportunity for the public, academics, policy makers and practitioners to get together and consider the thorny issue of parking in Bristol. Speakers will outline a range of parking-related issues, with plenty of opportunity for you to give your views on what to include in a future Bristol Parking Strategy. This event was held on […]

House of Commons Select Committee Inquiry into Pavement Parking

The House of Commons Select Committee has launched an inquiry into pavement parking and is calling for written evidence about: the impact of pavement parking; the enforcement of pavement parking offences; enforcement and, if necessary, reform of traffic regulation orders needed to deal with pavement parking. Pavement parking is an issue of widespread concern to

Pavement Parking event

Pavement Parking: Problems and Solutions Monday 9th October, 11.00am-1.00pm The Foundation, Lower ground floor, 1 St George’s Rd, Bristol BS1 5BE A lively debate organised by Bristol Walking Alliance and SHINE (Supporting Healthy Inclusive Neighbourhood Environments). Speakers from the University of Bristol, Bristol Disability Equality Forum and Sustrans will examine the difficulties arising from parking

Bristol Bugbears

Bristol City Council has some money to make small improvements to walking and cycling routes. Fixing small things can make a big difference – bugbears are the small irritating things that hinder your walking through Bristol. It could be roads that could be made safer, missing signage, overgrown paths, uneven surfaces, obstacles or potholes.

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