Planning issues

Western Harbour engagement 2024

BWA has responded to the latest engagement on the Western Harbour. This is the area around the Cumberland Basin which has been under debate since 2019. The latest suggestions are much more modest, particularly in proposed scale of housing and road reconfiguration. Comments at this stage will feed into a draft masterplan for the area, […]

Harbour Place Shaping Strategy

The Harbour Place Shaping Strategy (HPSS) aims to set out how Bristol Harbour will be developed over the next 20 years. It consists of a vision and a set of proposed plans for each part of the harbour between Cumberland Basin and Totterdown Basin. BWA has responded to a consultation on the proposed HPSS which

City Centre Transport Changes

Significant changes are being proposed to travel within Bristol City Centre, primarily addressing the need for improved bus routes and cycle infrastructure. They are a consequence of the earlier decision to pedestrianise The Horsefair and Penn Street as part of the redevelopment of Broadmead. BWA welcomes the pedestrianisation of Broadmead, but has major concerns about

Pulse Smart Hubs

In recent years there have been many attempts to obstruct pavements in the city with advertising signs. In 2022, 26 BT Street Hubs were proposed – though Bristol City Council eventually rejected all of the applications. Now, three Pulse Smart Hubs are being proposed, which are almost identical in size and function and would consist

Mead Street planning objection

BWA has objected to a planning application that would threaten the pedestrian environment around the proposed development of the Bart Spices site on Mead Street. In the overall framework for Mead Street, on which we commented in 2022, plans were made to allow space for an active travel corridor as well as a public transport

ATF4 Proposals

Bristol City Council is preparing bids for the fourth round of grants from central government under the Active Travel Fund (ATF4). The four schemes under consideration are for cycling and associated pedestrian infrastructure along: Deanery Road Filwood Quietway Malago Greenway Old Market Quietway All four schemes primarily relate to cycling rather than walking.  They will

Pedestrian Priority at Side Road Junctions

Making changes to streets to give priority to pedestrians at side junctions is an important way of improving walking routes.  BWA includes in its 50 Ways the action to “Incorporate continuous pavements as part of road improvements, including bus corridor schemes”.  It is good to see that Bristol City Council recognises the value of such

Frome Gateway

Frome Gateway is the name given to the area between the M32 and Pennywell Road, north of Bristol city centre, that spans the River Frome. It is currently largely used for light industry, but it is proposed that the southern end of the area is developed for housing. BWA has responded to the recent consultation

A4 Portway

A consultation on improvements to the A4 Portway is just finishing. It proposes 24-hour inbound and outbound bus lanes rather than the segregated walking and cycling route that had been suggested in the early enagagement. BWA has responded to the latest consultation with a list of the issues that we believe should be addressed as

Temple Island engagement

The consortium that is developing Temple Island, next to Temple Meads Station, is undertaking a second round of community engagement prior to detailing their plans. Eventually, the plot is expected to accomodate homes, offices, retail space and a hotel and conference centre. This is in addition to the university accomodation already approved. BWA has submitted

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