UWE student report on ‘walkability’ in Bedminster and Southville

Three Architecture and Planning students from UWE carried out a five week ‘walkability’ survey in BS3 for their finals in 2018. The survey was linked to Action Greater Bedminster’s aspiration to make BS3 a more Age Friendly Neighbourhood. The community contact was Ben Barker. The report had two main themes. 1. It examines routes to […]

More advertising applications

BWA is joining Adblock Bristol in objecting to the latest planning applications for advertising signs in the city centre. UPDATE: On 11th July, the BCC Development Control Committee refused permission for both huge advertising panels, with BWA having submitted a statement objecting to them as a potential safety hazard to pedestrians. In the past 12

Response to City Centre Framework consultation

BWA has submitted its response to the Bristol City Centre Framework consultation. This sets out the Council’s proposed development goals for an area that includes Lewins Mead, the Old City, Broadmead, Castle Park, and Temple Street. BWA commented in particular on the proposed movement framework, and suggested it should have the following goals: more people

BWA and the Bristol Walking Festival

BWA will be at the annual Bristol Walking Festival. BWA walks Do the city centre streets work well for walking? Join a small group walk to share your views and listen to others. Date: Tuesday 1st May at 10.30am, repeated on Wednesday 2nd May at 6pm. Start: meet in the Vestibule, City Hall (Park Street

InLink advertising monoliths

BWA has objected to plans for 25 InLink advertising monoliths that are proposed to be sited around the city centre and local shopping areas. Planning applications are pending for what are described as street phone replacements, but in fact are two-sided panels with large illuminated advertising signs on both sides. A consortium that includes BT

Local Plan review and Urban Living consultation

Bristol Council has been consulting on proposed changes to the Local Plan policies. This is a scheduled review to reflect changes over the last 5 years. A particular theme is “Urban Living”, which is a policy that prioritises housing growth in certain city areas, with denser development, primarily on brownfield sites. Also out for consultation

Joint Spatial Plan

BWA has commented on the Joint Spatial Plan. The Joint Spatial Plan for the West of England sub-region sets out plans to 2036 for housing growth and new employment locations, and also the infrastructure that will be required to support it. The latest round of consultation ended on 10 January, ahead of an assessment by

Campaigning on clean air near schools in St George

I and my fellow campaigner Jo Chesterman have been concerned about the air pollution at Summerhill Infant School and Summerhill Academy (Junior) School, situated just past the end of Church Road in St George. Jo has children at both schools, and I have a granddaughter at the infants’ school. My children attended there, but now

Accessibility Action Plan consultation

BWA has commented on the Department for Transport’s Accessibility Action Plan consultation. We advocated the use of continuous or raised paving at all junctions where minor or side roads meet a main road, making pavements easier to navigate especially for those using wheeled assistance. We cautioned against the excessive use of shared pavements and paths

Coronation Road / Dean Lane

Bristol City Council has asked for preliminary comments on plans for improving the crossing on Coronation Road near Dean Lane. This is a well used route for both pedestrians and cyclists going over Gaol Ferry Bridge between the city centre and south Bristol. Unfortunately, the proposed changes do not go far enough to ensure that

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